In a raw, in-depth monologue, I dive into my personal journey - and just what I would say to my “father” who made the choice to be absent from my life. How I was raised by a single white mother as a young black boy in Minnesota, and whether he could imagine - or even cared - how that shaped me and the trajectory of my journey. At its core, this is a video of hope, because my son is my own happy ending.

If Given the Chance is not only a hard, passionate message to the missing man who wasn’t around to help raise me, but also my attempt to celebrate all my fellow Black fathers who were and ARE present. We as Black men are breaking the outdated misconception and stereotype that Black fathers are not present for their children. I want to redefine Father’s Day in our culture and call attention to the many loving, present, caregiving, and nurturing Black fathers in America, who are setting great examples for their children. Finally, this piece is a stark reminder of just how crucial the role of a father is in creating a supportive, compassionate, and loving home. We all deserve to have that in our life, and I’m thankful to give that gift to my son. I know that I’m not the only one to have felt what I’ve felt - I am just one, here to tell my story.